Wednesday, May 28, 2008

the river of the Holy Spirit

have you ever been in a situation in which you wake up one morning, walk the road of life that we always do and suddenly fall into a deep and dark situation and feel as though that there's no way out?

Jesus said, "Whoever believes in me...streams of water will flow within him" (John 7:38). This refers not to water but to the Holy Spirit who, when turned loose in our lives, strengthens, grows and gives us vibrancy. As we allow the Holy Spirit to proceed from God and grow stronger, deeper, wider, and more persuasive, our spiritual and physical person takes on a new, eternal and abundant life. Only as we allow the Holy Spirit to flow in out thoughts, emotions, will, desires, dispositions, actions and activities does spiritual transformation take place. Then people can look at us in the midst of tribulation and say, "I think I see the Son of God." Our captors can look in the fiery furnaces and see us walk in confidence as we are accompanied by the fourth man.

I want God's waters to flow deeply and widely and expansively throughout this being of mine. I want the river of the Holy Spirit to so fill and guide me that I become a remote temple from which a branch of God's river can flow. I pray that God will let the waters flow in me, as I pray you will ask God to let His waters flow in you.

God bless! :)

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