Thursday, May 8, 2008

living the Christ-like life

Once, there was a young boy who asked his Dad one day, "Dad, how does a Christian look like?"

The father answered, "A Christian is someone who is like Jesus. He is caring, patient, loving and kind."

"Dad, can you show me someone like that?" the child asked.

Well how mnay of us, like the father (in the story), have shortchanged others of their opportunity to see and experience God through us, His ambassador?

People have certain expectations of Christians. So does God. He expects us to grow and glow - grow in maturity in Christ and glow (shine) for Jesus. And He gave us instructions and guidance through His word and practical help through the Holy Spirit and other disciples of Christ around us.

As a tree is recognised by its fruits, so a Christian is also known by the fruit he bears. God showed me in Galatians 5:22 what the fruit really is:

Lord, help me love you and others the way you love me, unconditionally. I choose not to let prejudices and psat experiences dictate the way I interact with people.

Father, you are the God of all circumstances. Because of this, I have every reason to rejoice in you even when the going gets tough.

Lord, thank You for accepting me and forgiving me of my sins. As I live forgiven, may I also live at peace with others, even those who trespass against me.

When things do not happen the way I wanted, Lord, help me face them with courage and patience. Help me overlook the inconveniences of this world, and to lay down my rights when I am tempted to complain.

Lord, help me show kindness to people, especially those who do not deserve it, for this is how you have treated me.

Lord, I devote myself to doing what is good, for it is excellent and profitable for everyone.

Lord, help me keep to my promises - that my debtors will not regret my trust, my friends will not question my word, and my family will not question my love for them.

Lord, help me remember that nothing is won by force. Therefore, if I raise my voice, let it only be in praise. If I ever clench my fist, let it only be in prayer.

Lord, thank You for Your saving grace which teaches me to say "NO" to ungodliness and to live a self-controlled, upright and Godly life.

Father God, hear my cry Lord. Thank You for teaching me how to live this life the way it should be like. Lord I know that I have my own failures and flaws, but Lord I know that all my sins have been forgiven and they are no longer counted worthy. I thank You again for reminding me of the fruits of the Spirit in Galatian 5:22, that I may be loving, joyful in every circumstance, at peace, patient with others, kind, able to devote myself to what is good, able to have faith, able to be gentle to people, and able to have control over my self. I pray that You help me each and every single day to live up these fruits that I may be more like You, walking and following You all the days of my life. Thank You Jesus! =)

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